
Monday, January 1, 2018

One Little Word 2018 - Ali Edwards

Hello, friends! And hello 2018!

I just finished breakfast while watching the January video presentation for Ali Edwards' One Little Word workshop. Last year's word - RISE - helped me survive, so I am counting on this year's word - WALK - to help me do just that and more.

I'll share more about my word as I share my approach to the workshop prompts. I believe sharing on my blog is going to keep me accountable for following through every month.

Another way that I have made myself more accountable is by creating a local group to work through the prompts with. I gifted the class to each of my sisters and my mom, then created a Facebook group for just us to share how we're doing. We have a wide variety of words and I'm the only scrapbooker (although each of my sisters and my mom are crazy creative in their own way), so our approaches will vary, too. While I love the workshop's Facebook group and message boards for sharing with everyone taking the class, I think having this small, more personal group will add a whole new layer to the experience.

In other news, baby girl is going to be early! She isn't due for a little over a month, but she needs to make her debut in two weeks if I want to avoid a C-section. I appreciate any prayers/good thoughts/good energy you could send my way.

Also, my Big Pictures Classes class - Decking Out Your Memorydex - is available today. Please head on over and enjoy the class. I would love to know what you think!

Happy 2108 to you! Thanks for stopping by :). Tessa