
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Birthday Blog Hop, Part Two

Hello! I am having so much fun with this blog hop! If you haven't had a chance to join in yet, or if you have no idea what I'm talking about, please see THIS post. As I mentioned yesterday, I wanted to share something new each day of the hop, and today I am sharing a mini album that I made with a hodgepodge of supplies, a yo-yo flower from the August Sampler and the Summer Twilight Sweet Spots.

To see more of this album, please see my flickr photostream. Speaking of flickr, did you know there is a flickr page for Precocious Paper? If you have made anything with Precocious Paper products, feel free to add it to this group. Also, I've begun a Pinterest board for projects I find around blogland that feature Precocious Paper products. You can find that here. I'll be adding all the blog hop projects soon!

Before I go, I thought I'd answer a couple questions I received about the hop:

♥ When will winners be announced? Friday.

♥ If I have trouble with Blogger and can't leave a comment, what should I do? I want everyone to have a chance to win the Grand Prize, which requires leaving a comment with each designer. If some blogs are being difficult, please leave a comment about that designer's project on the Precocious Paper Facebook page. If you aren't on Facebook, feel free to shoot me an email - precociouspaper (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Thank you all so much for celebrating with me! Have a fabulous day! Tessa


  1. These are so cute!!

  2. This is too cute! Love the mustache!

  3. your mini is adorable! gotta love the stache!

  4. Such a cute project! I've made a little album recently that obviously needs one of your flowers on the front! :)

    Sorry to hear other people have been having Blogger issues too - I changed my brwoser and, fingers crossed, that seems to have worked. Thanks for the tip xxx

  5. You have a great bunch of blog hop designers Tessa and a fabulous product. I'm on my way to check out your store. Hope you have a wonderful b-day. And the mini album you shared today is wonderfully designed. TFS

  6. Very cute, excited to join your hop.

  7. what a fun hop and LOVIN the stash!!! how fun!!

  8. Happy Birthday Tessa! I hope you love your thirties.

    I enjoyed your bog hop very much and feel inspired to make art. :)

  9. What a cute mini! So fun!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a wonderful day :)

  10. I had loads of fun on the hop Tessa :) Hope you have as much fun on your birthday!! I'm fairly certain I visited everyone!! Lots and lots of inspiration was to be found!

  11. I just completed the hop! Love the projects with the moustache! It is divine!!!


    Happy Birthday!!!!

    Wishing you a wonderful day!!!!
    Thank you for doing this blog hop! It is great!!!

  12. Hi Tessa!
    LOLS that mustache made me fun! Thank you for sharing this!
    I hope you have had a most beautiful and special day today!
    *does a birthday wiggle for you* :)
    ~Mippy :)


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :). If you don't see your comment appear right away, don't fret. I'm screening for spam and will approve your post as soon as I can. Have a great day!