
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cub Scouts

*** Hello! My son is working on an elective in his cub scout book where he has to use a computer program to do something. He chose to write a blog post and this is it. Enjoy! ***

Colten on his first day of cub scouts, almost a year ago :).

My  name  is  Colten  Buys.
     I  am  8  years  old.
   I am in  the  wolf den.
   I  am  trying  to  earn  1  gold  arrow  point &  3  silver  arrow  points. This  is  going to get 1 of  my
achievements  .Thanks  for lookin  at  my post!


  1. Colten
    You have done a great job with your first post.
    Good Luck with your achievements

  2. Good Luck with all of your achievements :)

  3. Great job Colten! Hope you post again when you make all of your achievements!

  4. Great Job Colten! Keep up the good work! :)

  5. Great Job Colten! Keep up the good work :)

  6. Great job Colten! My son is 9 and goes to cub scouts in England. He wanted to write you a reply :)

    Hello my name is lewis. I Live in England and am the son of Amanda jones. I have got 2 cats.I go to braunton cub-scouts
    I am in reds every group has 6 people in it. I have 6
    badges I have been there for about a year. My
    uniform is green not blue.

    Ggggoooodddd lllluuuukkkk!!!!!!

  7. Great post Colten! Good luck on getting your arrows!

  8. Colten, good job on your first blog post and good luck with your badges.

  9. Way to go Colten! Good luck with the rest of your goals :)

  10. Good luck!!! Your 8??? Must be a bear...only bc im involved w my sons den, pack and at district level! This was a great idea for you to do! Keep up the great work! Remember...have fun and DO YOUR BEST!

  11. Great job on your first post!! And wishing you all the best for your badges!! Doin' your best always is what it takes !! Hoping to hear from you more often !!


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