
Monday, August 27, 2012

Weave and Win

Hello! I woke up to a gorgeous Monday - cool temperatures, bright sunlight, and no smoke in the air (thank you wind!). Weather like this is the perfect push to tackle my to-do list. I am working hard on assignments and orders today, but I wanted to share with you two layouts that I created for GCD Studios this month. If you read the GCD Studios magazine The Paper Cut, you probably already saw them. But, just in case you didn't, take a peek here and then read the mag for the how-to.

I contributed two articles to the weaving feature. First, I used bright colors to weave an entire background for my layout.

For weaving tips, see the mag :).

I was challenged to use weaving to alter something. Still in the mood to make a layout, I decided to alter my photo.

This was a tricky task, but I loved the result. You can read more about my process in the mag :).

Thanks for stopping by today! If you have another minute, be sure to comment to win my Golden Birthday Bash prize :). I hope to get a photo of it all up soon, but I promise - there's some yummy things in this prize package! Have a great day :). Tessa


  1. What an amazing and creative post! I LOVE the weaving of the photo! Brilliant!;)

  2. These are amazing layouts! Both are fantastic!!!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS! Love how you wove the picture! Can't imagine how long that would take but the end result is breathtaking!


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