
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Etsy-versary Celebration - Giveaway #5

Happy Birthday, Precocious Paper! I can't believe my baby is five years old today :). In celebration, today's giveaway is...

To enter, leave a comment on this post. Comments are only open through today, and winners for all the giveaways will be announced tomorrow.

Thank you for your orders and support! I have had so much fun celebrating this week. The giveaways may end tonight, but the sale continues through Sunday. Every fifth item is free, and use coupon code 5YEARS to receive 5% off of your entire order.

If you've been missing the scrappy content here on the blog this week, don't worry. I'll be back a little later today with a new layout for DCWV.

Have a fantastic day! Tessa


  1. Happy 5 years Tessa! That is a huge accomplishment!

  2. Happy anniversary! 5 Years is awesome!

  3. YAY!!! Congratulations! Thanks for this great giveaway! :)

  4. I love this giveaway! You can just throw it in with my order *wink* :)

  5. happy happy 5 years!!!!! super great prize!!! thanks for the chance:)

  6. Happy 5th Birthday! I love your embellies! =)

  7. Oh, what fun a shopping spree in your shop would be! Thanks for the chance!

  8. Congrats on 5 years! What an amazing accomplishment!

  9. yay! Happy 5 years!!! Thanks for celebrating it with us!

  10. Love your DCWV layout! Thanks for the chance for the shopping spree!

  11. Five years is quite the accomplishment....congratulations on your success. You saved the best prize for last....I would love a credit to do some shopping in your Etsy shop....your blooms are gorgeous!

  12. Your work is fab!!! Happy 5th and cheers to many more!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :). If you don't see your comment appear right away, don't fret. I'm screening for spam and will approve your post as soon as I can. Have a great day!