
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Cutie Pie - Pretty Little Studio

Hello! Today I'm sharing a layout that I made earlier this month for Pretty Little Studio's May sketch. Did you know that if you play along, you could win a $10 gift certificate to the Pretty Little Studio shop? You have until the end of the month to join in. Details can be found here. I got to play along this month, and this is my take:

I've been on an 8.5x11 kick lately, and I thought the sketch was a great candidate for re-sizing. All of the papers and embellishments are from the You and Me collection.

I love this photo of Addie and me. Like the journaling says, I don't remember where or exactly when we took this photo, but I love how it captures her eyes and my kiss to her chubby little elbow.

I love the mix of teal, pink and yellow in this collection. I especially love the yellow - it's deep, rich, and not orange at all. I was excited to discover that I had the perfect yellow watercolor paint (Twinkling H2O's) to use for my splatters. And yes, excited is the right word because matching the color yellow can be so hard!

If you'd like to see my post on the Pretty Little Studio blog, you can find it here. Thanks for stopping by today! Next week I'll be sharing my storage system for my Pretty Little Studio stash. If you have a small space like me, you'll definitely want to check it out :).

Have a great day! Tessa

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