
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yay for Thursday!

Whew! I just had a frustrating morning (getting the kids off to school, finding out they were given tardies through no fault of their own, talking to the principal...). So let's concentrate on what makes me happy, shall we? Scrapbooking! It's Thursday, which means Sketchy Thursdays is busy. Congratulations to the winner and the DT Faves (oh my goodness, you have to go see the skunk - so cute!). A new sketch is up, too!

My layout this week is especially sweet to me. I just recently received news that my grandfather isn't doing very well, and we may be saying goodbye soon. It comforts me to know that a family is forever, connected with bonds that time cannot touch. There is no doubt in my heart, mind, or soul that I will see him again someday. The key I used symbolizes my feelings for my grandparents, my faith that our family is eternal, and more.

Here is Diana's beautiful sketch:

And here is my take, with my beautiful grandmother and handsome grandfather:

I am looking forward to seeing another week of gorgeous layouts! Enjoy creating! Tessa


  1. I love this page, Tessa! And big hug to you for your grandfather. We are all so lucky for the time we are given with loved ones. Great tribute page!!

  2. Great page. The vintage photos are awsome. Thanks also for sharing the sentiment of this layout.


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