
Sunday, June 20, 2010


There's a new challenge at the Studio today: Grrr! What gets right on your nerves? Tell us all about it with a spot of creative therapy! Get it off your chest... you'll feel much better for it!

Tailgaters, people who talk on their cell phone when at service counters, muddy footprints on a freshly mopped floor.... These things all make me say "grrr", but I chose to scrap about people not listening.  My dear hubby can forget entire conversations that took place, and my kiddos are too often more like brick walls when asked to do something.  It seems to be getting under my skin lately, which tells me I need to be more patient.

I used several elements from the June Scrapbook Circle kit, as well as bits from previous kits and other things.  I loved the little typewriter card (it's like I'm saying "Do I need to spell it out for you?").  The design team did a knock out job!  Please go see their incredible work.  And don't forget to play along this month for a Precocious Paper gift certificate!

Speaking of Precocious Paper, my shop update didn't happen as I hoped!  We survived a stomach flu, but then mother nature intervened.  We've been experiencing record flooding in my area, and unfortunately a family from church was affected.  She was making the flower arrangements for a wedding, but when she needed to evacuate, she wasn't sure if she could do it.  I offered to help, and several bouquets, boutonnieres, and centerpieces later, we are ready for the wedding!  However, my little shop has been neglected :(.  But I've been happy to help and am planning on an update this week.  To hold you over, I restocked my Sewing Pattern Petals.

Thanks for stopping by! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!  Tessa


  1. I HEAR YOU!! lol!! And I totally AGREE!!!! I get all the time....."Oh, I didn't know that I you wanted that done!" LOL LOL LOL!! I'm laughing...but ... lol... sometimes it makes me wanna scream! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that lo and what a precious heart you have to help out the woman and her flower arrangements!! That is soooooooooooooooo WONDERFUL of U!!!!! Loving those flowers U made too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. The idea behind using the typewriter is so funny. Love it. Fantastic layout!

    Hope your friend is recovering from the flooding.

  3. Gorgeous flowers Tessa and I am so with you on your Grrrr - I think most of my family have selective hearing too lol! xx


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