
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hopes and Dreams

There's a new challenge up at The Studio!  Because today is the 13th of June, Amanda is challenging us to use the number 13 somehow.  The design team created layouts based on superstitions and even using 13 photos.  I made a mini album about 13 of my hopes and dreams (inspired by the prompt at Who's That Girl) using vintage game pieces.

I made the album base out of canvas and will be offering these soon in my shop.  My husband's nana gave us a whole bunch of old board games, which was great until we realized how many pieces were missing.  Since playing wasn't possible, I salvaged what I could, including these Rummikub tiles.  I have a full set of numbers 1 - 13 in black, red, and blue to add to the shop, as well as some other unique game pieces.  I'll let you know when they're up :).

Speaking of listings, I had the grandest of plans to have all sorts of new listings up Friday, but fate would not have it - between sick kids and now a sick Tessa, it just didn't happen.  The listings will go up this week, though :).  Thank you for your patience!

The blog is nearing 100 followers, and the Facebook page is getting close to 200 "likes".  Remember what that means?  Giveaways!  Also, there is still time to play along at Scrap That Poetry to win a gift certificate to Precocious Paper (see this post).  And please join us at The Studio in June for another chance at a gift certificate.

Thanks for stopping by!  Tessa


  1. I have many game pieces from my Nan as well! Never thought to put them in a mini album. Hmm! :) Hope you're feeling better soon.

  2. Just beautiful! I love the album!!!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this!! LOVING the game pieces and the CANVAS!!!!! WOW!!! And I hope U feel better! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


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