
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude: Days 4-6

Hello! Another migraine sidelined me from Friday until today, so I'm going to do a bit of catching up now. I was sure to express gratitude to someone each day I didn't post here on the blog, so I was being grateful ;). I just wasn't able to sit down at the computer and type it all out.

Day 4: I am grateful for the opportunities I have to work with youth. As a mother, as a volunteer at my kids' school, as a youth leader at church and as a dance teacher, I have multiple opportunities to work with children, tweens and teens. I'm not always as mindful as I should be about the influence I have with these people, and I was reminded of that this week. I want to be an influence for good, and I am grateful that I have been trusted in so many places to do so.

Day 5: I am grateful for work. I am grateful that I have opportunities to bring income into my family through work that I love. I am grateful that my husband has a good job and that he can provide for us. I am grateful that I can teach my children the value of hard work. I am grateful that my parents taught me how to work.

Day 6: I am grateful for health. As I watched Jaxon go through his little ordeal this week (he's much better now, thank you!) and as I have experienced a major migraine this weekend, I am grateful that our lots are not any worse. I am grateful that, for the most part, we enjoy good health as a family. Things could change in an instant, so health is one blessing that I count every single day.

Before I go, I just wanted to share a little experience I had Friday. I wasn't feeling good at all, so I wasn't a very good playmate to Jaxon that morning. I set him up with train tracks and cars so that I could sit and rest for a little bit. When I handed him the last car, he looked up at me and said, "Tank you, Mommy." We're still working on the "th" sound :). But it wasn't prompted and it melted my heart. Gratitude is contagious. I hope you are sharing your gratitude often. I promise, it will catch on, and when there's gratitude, there's happiness.

Have a great day! Tessa


  1. Wonderful post Tessa. I hope you're feeling better today! Your "attitude of gratitude" was on my mind this week as I felt tested by all of life threw at me at one time. Being grateful helped me find the bright spot each day. Even in times of struggle, there is so much to be grateful for! :)

  2. I am so happy to be following along with you this month! I love reading about your day to day with Jaxon (he and Charlotte are close in age) and I think of all of my own wonderful stories throughout the day!!! I finally got photos of my gratitude album up...

    Thank you so so much for the inspiration!!! :)

  3. I'm glad you are feeling better. Love that story about Jaxon. It's such a great feeling when you know you've taught your child from a young age to be grateful and to say thanks. Nate melts my heart when he's looking for me and calls out, "Mommy?" And then I say, "what?" and then he says, "i love you!" Awww... :)


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