
Friday, December 9, 2011

SRM and Miss Art's

Happy Friday! I wanted to share with you a couple of projects I have out on the world wide web today. First up, SRM Stickers:

Using their calendar stickers, I created a Year of Cards. I designed a simple recipe (large background piece, small strip, smaller strip, bow) and applied it to all the months of the year.

You can see the post at SRM Stickers here, and you can see more photos of the cards here.

Speaking of SRM Stickers, I have an online class coming up at Miss Art's that features more calendar stickers. Part of the Take 2 series, it will go live on the 13th. Here's a sneak peek:

I also got to play with May Arts ribbons for another Take 2 class and it is live today!

For more information on Take 2 and Miss Art's, see their website. I'd love to know what you think of my classes!

I'll be back a little bit later today with a fabulous Designer Friday post featuring Amanda Jones and the Very Merry line. See you soon! Tessa


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