Monday, November 12, 2012
Day 10: I am grateful for the cub scout program. On Saturday, our pack put on a Veterans Appreciation night in conjunction with pack meeting. Several veterans from our area came and it was pretty amazing to see our 8, 9 and 10 year old boys talking to them about their service; saying thanks for their service; and serving them (ice cream!). I am grateful for a program that instills important values in our young men. I am proud of each and every one of the boys in our pack :).
Day 11: I am grateful for children. For the example they are to me. For all that I learn from them. Sunday was the Primary Program at church - a time when the children (ages 3 through 11) lead our main worship service. They sing, they read prepared messages that they wrote themselves and they (loudly into that microphone!) share their little (and yet, so large) testimonies with us. It was a beautiful program. I am so grateful for my children and the children that I get to work with through church, dance and school. Each one is absolutely amazing in their own, special way.
Day 12: I am grateful for Colten. Colten is my oldest, and the child most like me personality-wise. This often leads to parenting with greater understanding and increased patience because I tend to "get" him more than my other kiddos. I'm not the Colten-whisperer, though, so sometimes we have our moments. However, a very wise friend told me yesterday that even though I may not think he is listening, he really is. And he understands. He demonstrated this over the weekend. He was a rock star! He did his chores - willingly, happily. He did a great job in the Primary Program with his part. He was helpful at every chance he got. I just really, really appreciated him and his sweet spirit in our home the past few days. I am so grateful to be his mama.
I'll be back tomorrow with another fall/gratitude/thanksgiving project to share :). Thanks for stopping by! Tessa
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