
Monday, September 16, 2013

Train Concert - SEI

About a month ago, Josh and I went to the Train concert here in Sacramento. We went with my sisters (one of whom was 8 months preggo at the time) and my brother and their significant others. It was so much fun! Not only had I finally started to be "over" the constant morning sickness, but a date night was long overdue.

Anyway, I only had this one good shot of the two of us before the concert started, and I wanted a great paper to pair it with for a layout. While looking through my SEI papers, I found this one in the Blossoms and Blooms line - perfection!

I embellished with stitching...

...and cut pieces of patterned papers from various other SEI lines to add some flair to some of the diagonals.

For more details, you can see my post at SEI today. Thanks for stopping by :). Tessa

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