
Monday, January 13, 2014

Create! Magazine - Fancy Pants Designs

Hello and happy Monday! I'm excited to share that I have a humble, small little part in this new magazine produced by Scrapbook Generation - Create!

The Fancy Pants Designs team was invited to contribute, and I created a layout based on a fabulous sketch... well as a tag based on another great sketch, both with the Timbergrove collection:

The publication is free, beautiful, and full of practical, great information for creating everything from cards to layouts to tags and altered items. You will love it! Find it here.

Thanks to Fancy Pants Designs and Scrapbook Generation for the opportunity! And thank you for stopping by. Have a good one!


PS - No baby girl yet ;). 2.5 weeks to go!


  1. Tessa, thanks so much for being part of our first magazine. I loved that you switched up the sketch by turning it on its side -- exactly the kind of material that shows what you can do to make it yours! -- Debbie

  2. awesome~ will have to check it out! Howz things???


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