
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Altered Cupcake Tin - Pink Paislee

Hello! This week on the Pink Paislee blog we are taking flea market finds and turning them into paper-crafted treasures. I have had this cupcake tin in my scrapbook room for a few years now, holding odds and ends and bits and pieces. It was my grandmother's, and as my studio space has evolved, I found myself using it less. I decided it was the perfect piece to create a very non-traditional layout out of.

You can read more about it on the Pink Paislee blog today here. In that post, I mention that E6000 is the best glue to use for something like this. I learned that the hard way. My trusy glue gun looked like it was working, until everything started to fall off :(. But E6000 did the job, and did it really well!

You might be familiar with this quote by Thomas S. Monson: "Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family." I decided to take my title from those wise words: "You are the JOY in my journey." I thought the travel theme of the Atlas collection was perfect for conveying what I wanted to say.

I wanted to vary the depths of the elements in the wells, including bringing the photos the farthest forward. I did this by cutting down a paper towel roll. I sliced off "rings", then glued the rings to the photos and the rings to the tin. Because I'm hanging this on my wall, I'm glad something so lightweight worked so well.

Be sure to visit the Pink Paislee blog for this and other flea market to chic projects! Thanks for stopping by today :). Tessa

1 comment:

  1. a fabulous idea and fun, a wonderful gift for Mother's Day. In Italy it's Sunday. Congratulations follow you with pleasure


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