Here are your random numbers:9
Timestamp: 2009-10-15 14:45:52 UTC
That means... Deanne K! You've won a set of my "Girlie Girl" ribbons! Email me with your addy and I'll get them out to you as quickly as I can :). Click on my profile for the email address.
A new give-away will be announced soon! I'll give you a hint... It's spooky and cute and it features some A Scrappy Design goodness. Stay tuned!
Yeah, Deanne!!! I know her!!! ) Congrats on the win, and I can't wait to see what you made for A Scrappy Design, Tessa!
ReplyDeleteSWEET!!! I love winning goodies!! I love winning so much that I wish I could win EVERY day LOL!! Thanks Tessa - can't WAIT!!!